Thursday, May 27, 2010

Flowers and Showers

Today while Hampton was taking his morning nap, Everett and I decided to spend some time outside. It was so nice and sunny...not a cloud in the sky! I am trying to take advantage of the many nice days because I long for them during the winter.

Everett exploring in our forest of a backyard. Everett loves to collect sticks (it's apparently a boy thing). He was very proud of this one that he found and dragged it all around the yard.
Maggie enjoys the outdoors as well. She finally now has a yard of her own!

We then wandered up to the front yard where I showed Everett these red lilies that blossomed almost overnight.

Aren't they lovely?

Here are the beginnings of the ivy Eric recently planted that is strategically placed to eventually climb the wall of the front of our house. I can't wait until it does!

I would love to have something like this in our front yard like our neighbors across the street. I just love those planters!

Or something like this......

Everett decided to dine al fresco today. It was quite comical, me trying to wedge myself into this very kid-size picnic table.

Well my plan was to take full advantage of today and have Everett play with his water table after nap, but alas I hear the rumbling of thunder. At least the rain will water all my plants. We'll do that another day/another post!

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