Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Day in the Life

I really am writing this post for memory purposes. I thought it would be really fun to look back one day and read about how our schedule was way back when. I like to run our household like a well-oiled machine and I believe we are getting there. I don't say one of the boys is doing something consistently unless they have been doing it for at least a week. For some reason that is my time frame. So this schedule has been consistent for about a week and a half now.

Hampton usually wakes up about 6:30/7am. I feed him and then we go downstairs to get breakfast ready for Everett and I. Then about 7/7:30 Everett wakes up. Everett and I then will eat breakfast together while Hampton swings nearby. Afterward we then all go down to the playroom where we camp out for awhile. Everett usually will watch a program in the morning. These days he is really into Elmo, Calliou, or Barney. Hampton is into discovering his hands or staring at his brother cross-eyed. At about 9 Hampton is then sent upstairs for a catnap. He naps from 9-10. I like the 9-10 hour because it gives me a chance to spend one-on-one play time with Everett. At about 10 Hampton gets up and eats again. From 10-11 both boys are up and "playing." I then try my hardest to encourage Everett to clean-up all his toys and then we go back upstairs where he "helps" me put Hampton down for a nap. At 11 Everett eats his lunch and then at 11:30 he goes down for his nap. 11:30-2:00 is a sweet part of my day. Both boys nap and I eat lunch, clean some part of the house, shower, nap occasionally, blog, catch-up on emails or phone calls, etc. It took a lot of work to coordinate this part of the day, but it has been so worth it! Then at about 2 Hampton wakes up and eats. At about 2:30 Ev wakes up and has a snack. Then Everett plays once again. From 2-5 Hampton is in and out of sleep, but for the most part we (especially Ev) can keep him up. Unless he has to work late, we can usually can count on Eric getting home around 4:30/5. Around 5 Hampton will grab another hour catnap. We usually eat dinner during the 5-6 hour while Hampton sleeps. If it is a bath night, both boys will get a bath. Hampton goes down about 7 and then Everett goes down a half hour later. By 7:30 both boys are in bed and Eric and I have time alone together. We usually watch television or a movie or just chat. Hampton will wake up again around midnight and then about 4:30 to nurse again before the whole day begins again. I haven't ventured out much alone with the boys. The schedule is going so well that I hate to mess it up yet. Sometimes when Eric gets home I will jet out to run an errand or two. The weekends the schedule sometimes gets moved around as well and especially on Sunday when we are at church all morning. Overall are days are about the same and at this point, I like it that way. When we were living in Louisville I always wanted to get out. Now that I have a house, I always want to stay at home. Even Everett will request to go home occasionally when we are out and about. That makes me so happy that he loves his home. It has been such a blessing to be at home more with the babies and finally life is being to feel "normal" again.

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