Sunday, October 4, 2009

Yesterday was another fun Saturday. We started the day off with cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then went to story time. I did not know that Curious George would be visiting story time that morning. I couldn't believe I forgot my camera! I was interested though to see what Everett would do upon meeting him. I was pleasantly surprised to see him run right up to him and want to "pet" him. It was the cutest thing. He showed absolutely no fear. I am always going to have my camera on me from now on. After story time we went to Five Guys for lunch......the best greasy spoon around town. Everett liked their version of a grilled cheese. While Everett was napping, I went out to some consignment stores to find some more Fall clothes for Everett, and even found Eric a few things. That night we went over to our friend the Drury's home. Our friends the Rues were there too. It was fun to watch our boys "play" together. Everett did really well and wasn't shy at all. He loved playing with all of Silas' toys and really loved petting and feeding their dogs! It was also cute to see the boys giving each other high fives. Below is a picture of Jonah, Silas, and Ev. I love Everett's puzzled look. We get that look a lot when we take his picture.

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