Monday, August 10, 2009


Okay, this is kind of a silly post I will admit.....but I found this so funny. The other day we bought this steam cleaner (which, by the way I love and could not believe how dirty our carpet was, even with vacuuming every week!). Anyways, we were in the midst of cleaning and had it sitting in the hallway. Everett had just woke up from a nap and had not seen it yet. He is aware of our vacuum and usually that doesn't scare him. So he walked out of his room and stopped right in front of the cleaner. With the cutest voice he looked at it and said, "hello." I just died laughing! First of all, I have never heard him say "hello" before, and second of all, what a polite boy! He is even kind to inanimate objects! This is yet another really fun stage.

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