Monday, July 20, 2009

Thanks Chi Chi!

Last Sunday we had nursery success! I haven't been able to sit through an entire service since, well, I don't think I have ever made it through a whole service since Everett started going to the nursery. Every week that I put him in his class, our number pops up on the electric call system letting us know we need to come and get our screaming child! So two Sundays ago I sent him in with chocolate pudding. This was a last resort idea since nothing else seemed to work. I gave the nursery worker the pudding and asked her to give it to him as soon as I left. Well, it didn't work because in no time my number was called to come and get him. The worker said he was so upset that he showed no interest in the pudding. Wow! Of course as soon as I got him he was instantly all better. Well this past Sunday I sent him in with his comfort item- a little stuffed Chihuahua named Chi Chi (a gift from his Gigi). For the past week Everett has attached himself to this little dog, so I thought it would bring him some comfort in an obviously stressful situation for him. After the music was over I went and peeked at him. He was sitting on the floor while a worker was entertaining him, just clutching Chi Chi. Then midway through the sermon my number popped up! The worker said he was on and off with crying and she asked me if I wanted to leave him in the class. I figured that since he does need to continue to try to get used to the nursery, I would leave him in there. There was only about 15 min. of the service left. When we picked him up he looked so pitiful while resting on a pillow, again clutching Chi Chi. If anyone knows Everett, he is not one to just "lay around". He is always on the go. Needless to say he was very happy to see us! I guess this Sunday Chi Chi will be Everett's "visitor" for his nursery class again.

Everett and Chi Chi Everett watching Daddy at music practice before he went to his own class.
Plus- Aren't these the cutest!?! Now he has shoes like his Daddy!

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