Monday, March 9, 2009

This One's For the Boys

First of all let me say that it is a wonder that I am even able to show you these pictures. Saturday night our camera miraculously survived a 20-minute drive on the back of our trunk. We were going to a friends house and as I was loading everything up, I set our camera on our trunk and well, forgot about it. As we were unloading, Eric noticed it and I screamed. I could not believe I had left it there and I really could not believe it had made it. We had even driven on the interstate. Yikes. Thank you Lord! Anyways, it is because of that miracle I can share these pictures of Eric and two favorite boys. I thought they looked so handsome the other day, so I had to take a few pics. I am so grateful for Eric and everything he does for our family. I am also so blessed that Everett has such a great "dada" and role model. The Lord has truly blessed this girl with two amazing boys! In other news, we have enrolled Everett in gymboree classes (pictures to come...if I don't flush the camera down the toilet or anything) and Everett has learned how to clap and does so frequently.

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