Monday, March 2, 2009

Mama Mia!

It would be a huge understatement to say that Everett is very into Mommy these days. I am so excited that he has recently learned to say "mama" and "dada" discriminitely (i.e to the correct person), however it is so sad when I leave a room and I hear a very sad boy crying for his "mama." Therefore, putting Everett in the church nursery has been a battle. He has never really been 100 percent comfortable in the nursery, but now it is getting really hard. He cries instantly when I pass him off and cannot be consoled (even by food, which is amazing). The ladies in the nursery are so sweet and yesterday one of them suggested that I try playing with him for a few minutes in the room, and then slowly ease away. I pray it works. I would love to hear a full sermon. It has been months! Even though this phase of Everett having separation anxiety can be draining at times, a woman in our church yesterday gently reminded me that I should be very thankful he is going through this because it is completely normal. One day I imagine I will be clinging to a 16 year old Everett crying, "Don't you still want your mama?!?"

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