Friday, January 23, 2009

When Gigi Came to Visit

Everett's Gigi came to visit us last week. Eric had a J-term class and I of course had to work, so Gigi spent all week with the Ev. It was such an incredible blessing to have her here....especially since Everett got sick. On Tuesday we went to the pediatrician and found out he had RSV. Yuck. Everett loves his Gigi and it is fun to watch their relationship. Here are a few pictures of their week together. And by the way, I do realize that the picture of Everett with the breathing mask is pretty pathetic, but he is now fully recovered, praise the Lord.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor little Everett...we just learned about this in the last few weeks. That's kinda scary...I'm glad he's better.