Thursday, July 31, 2008

Diary of a New Mommy

No one ever said that motherhood was going to be easy. I have been a mommy now for two and a half short months and I must agree. Being Everett's mom has been the most challenging, yet the most rewarding and fulfilling job and role I have ever had. Today Eric and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. Our lives have changed so much in 4 years, it's amazing. We decided to go out for breakfast and one of those "challenging moments" appeared. Everett was having a bad morning and started screaming in the restaurant! So I turned a lovely shade of red and rushed him to the bathroom to try and soothe him. Well he wasn't having any of it. So there I was, practicing the art of patience in the ladies restroom while my food got cold out on the table and my poor husband ate alone. After what seemed like hours (it was really only about 15 minutes) I decided to just skip breakfast and get the heck out of there. Everett's bad morning turned into a bad day and well.....let's just say it is now 8:30, my sweet baby is finally sleeping, and I'm exhausted. Becoming a parent has definitely caused me to appreciate my own. Thanks Mom and Dad! I love my new role as a mommy and I LOVE our Everett bear. He is (most of the time) such a happy and content baby and seeing him smile is the highlight of any day. I know someday we'll laugh about days like this......right???


The Yates' said...

This is so funny bc today at lunch I was "practicing patience" ...picture if you will... we were at a mexican restaurant with a large group from sunday school, Averi was PERFECTLY CONTENT until they sat my (what looked like delicious) food down... Then she begins to scream... I tried to hold her, tried to pat her, Kev tried to walk her... nothing worked so I ofcourse end up in the bathroom AT A MEXICAN RESTAURANT sitting on the toliet nursing my sweet little girl...Oh what we mothers go through to sooth our little ones!

The M Family said...

oh happy late anniversary michelle!!
thanks for the comment, btw!
i'm adding you to our list now! :)

whenever i find myself in those situations (pretty much daily) as far as practicing patience goes, i've found that meditating on how patient God is with us (in our sin) over time has helped humble me tremendously! as i've practiced thinking about His wonderful character in the midst of wanting to get angry or rash, sometimes i actually end up being thankful! ;)

though motherhood can be a rough road at times, it is definitely worth it like you said! praise God for his wisdom in its design!