Thursday, July 31, 2008
Diary of a New Mommy
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Mommy's Favorite Pictures
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Let's Play!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Williamson Men
The Lantzs Come to Town
We have had a fun couple of weeks with my family here in town. My mom (aka Gammy) was here for two weeks and my dad (aka Poppy) and Aunt Mary were here for one week. We all had a great time shopping, eating out, going to a few Louisville hot spots, as well as playing with Everett. It is especially hard now with them living so far away (Florida) and we love the time we do get to spend together. We miss you all!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
2 Month Check-Up
Shots hurt! At least the bandaids are cute!
Yesterday Everett had his 2 month checkup. I can't believe 2 months have already gone by. It really does go by fast. Everett now weighs a hefty 12 pounds 5 ounces and is 22 3/4 inches long. The doctor says he is developing quite nicely and is "a nice boy." We have recently been noticing Everett's personality emerging more and more and it is so fun! He is now smiling, which we love. He has become fascinated by music and lights as well. While we were at the pediatrician's office they had a mirror and we discovered that he found that fun as well. He loved looking at himself. He is cooing/grunting more and more (which of course I love's the speech therapist in let's work on our babbling skills!) We have truly enjoyed these last 2 months and look forward to many more exciting milestones! Happy 2 months Everett bear!
Monday, July 14, 2008
A Walk in the Park
Today was beautiful, so we decided to pack up a lunch and go for a picnic and a nice stroll. We had originally wanted to go to the pool, but we found out it is closed on We'll try again tomorrow. Yeah for lazy summer days!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
First Date
Eric and I enjoyed a "night out on the town" last night! It was the first date we have been on since having Everett. We went to the Olive Garden and had a great time. I had balsamic chicken and Eric had the trout. Yum! We enjoyed nice conversation and of course couldn't stop talking about our little boo bear. Although I was worried about leaving Everett (even if it was only 2 hours!) I do believe it was worth it for us to have one on one time with each other. We look forward to many more date nights!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Who's Mama's Big Boy!?!
He's A Yankee Doodle Boy
Daddy Live In Concert
When Everett was in the womb, he would always "dance" whenever he heard Eric practicing the guitar. He seems to really enjoy music, so the other day Eric played him the mandolin for the first time. We had our own private concert! It was free of charge and we had the best seats in town. While you're watching, see if you can spot Maggie. She always has to be included!
Son You've Got A Panty On Your Head