Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturdays are for Family

Saturdays are really our only day during the week as a family. We try to balance getting things done, getting out, and finding time to relax. Today though we stayed home all day and really had nothing on the schedule. Eric took over this morning and I slept in. Then after lunch we got some fresh air outside on our deck.

It's hard to capture a good picture of Everett. He really is a happy boy!.....most of the time.
Hampton letting me know he hears an airplane.......
And Eleanor is on the brink of walking. She has been taking a few steps the past couple of days, but still lacks complete confidence.
We then took a walk around the neighborhood and the boys collected colorful leaves and acorns in their buckets.
During nap time it was Eric's turn to retreat. So he headed upstairs to take a nap and I was on child duty. Hampton and Eleanor napped and Everett "rested." Which really means he kept coming upstairs every 10 minutes with a different need-a snack, having to potty, wanting to watch a video. When everyone awoke they watched Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin.
We then pasted our leaves onto construction paper and hung them up in our playroom.
For dinner we had cheesy enchilada casserole. Yum!

After dinner we took another walk around the neighborhood. It was then time for bath and bed! We had a fun day. A day at home. 

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