I love Wednesdays. Wednesdays are my day off from work, so I get to stay at home with the Ev! I thought it would be fun to do a post of what a typical "stay at home" day is like. So, here goes:
Everett usually wakes up around 7:30/8:00ish. The first thing he does is eats and then gets a diaper change. He has been better lately about not wetting through his jammies. Since he has been sleeping through the night, this has become a problem. Today his jammies were dry! After getting changed, Eric and I actually got to eat breakfast together. We now set Everett up in his highchair and bring him to the table. Everett had oatmeal with bananas. I had waffles. Eric had eggs and grits. After breakfast, Ev and I played for awhile. Playtime has become really fun. Everett is really interactive and loves to roll all around. Around 10 Everett went down for his morning nap and then I got ready for the day. Eric stayed home and then I ran Kohls and the grocery store. Last week I had earned $20 in Kohls cash for spending a certain amount. Yes! The coupons had an expiration date so I had to use them today. I bought Everett some much needed onesies. Then I headed to the grocery for my weekly shopping. With my calculator, coupons and budget in mind, I faced the crowd. I don't know how it happens, but I somehow manage to always catch "senior day" at the grocery store. Oh well. I just waited patiently with my grocery cart behind 6 other people. I didn't even care that I was $10 over my budget! When I got home, Eric and I ate lunch together. I had leftover pizza. Eric had leftover turkey. Yes. We still have turkey leftovers. When you cook a big turkey and there are only two people eating it, this is bound to happen. I'm tired of turkey. Everett woke up shortly after our lunch and then it was his lunchtime. After he nursed, he had peaches for the first time. He loved them! The only food we have noticed he does not love is avocado. I read in a book that avocados are "brain food" so I continue to try to get him to eat them. Not a fan. After his lunch, I got his room all cozy and we played in there. That morning a friend of mine who I work with called to see if I could watch her little boy Silas for about an hour and a half so she could see a client. We had nothing planned, so I said of course. Around 3, Silas came over. This is the first time Everett has had a "friend" over. I had envisioned them playing together, swapping crib stories, sharing a few laughs. This did not happen. I think it was naptime for both boys. Everett started rubbing his eyes, a sure sign and Silas was not too happy about life either. I put Ev in the swing and he quickly fell asleep. Silas, poor thing, had a long screaming session and then finally fell asleep as well. I did manage to snap this picture of them (below) however. After Silas went home, we had white chili that I had made. A new recipe and very good I must say. Off to work for Eric. Everett ate peas for dinner. Pumpkin and I then enjoyed another play session and then bathtime. For the 4th night in a row, Everett pooped in the tub. Sigh. At exactly 7:30 Everett went to a wonderful place called dreamland. I then enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate and caught up with emails and the blogging world. Another fun day. I love Wednesdays :)