Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday Mornings

I have started a Bible Study at church on Wednesday mornings. It is a Beth Moore study and so far it has been so good! So while I am in study from 9:30-11:30, Hampton and Eleanor go to the nursery. Getting all 3's lunches made, breakfast done, and everyone dressed cute is definitely a challenge! But it has been worth it.

Hampton is so funny. He just waltzes right into his class no problem. After I picked him up today he said, "I play animals. I play with friends." The teacher in his class said he is very social and behaves well.

And although Eleanor has shed a few tears, her teacher has said it has been very short-lived. The hardest part for her is that it falls right during her nap. When I picked her up today she was passed out in someone's lap. She is a very flexible baby though.

And Everett goes to preschool on Wednesday mornings. His teacher continues to report wonderful progress and participation in school. He hasn't cried this year either when I drop him off! He just asks for 2 kisses and 3 big hugs!

So happy to have a little time to myself and learn more about Scripture for a few hours each week. It is a nice mid-week break.

Spaghetti Dinner

The easiest meals at our home are definitely the most kid-friendly. And what is more kid-approved than spaghetti? We used to get all worked up about the mess that came along with this meal, but we have since given that up. The children love to be able to feed themselves and so we have let it go. We are all washable!