Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Yankee Doodle Babies

We had a great 4th of July! This morning we had breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then went to visit Carl Sandburg's house in Flat Rock. I have been wanting to visit this historic sight and the weather could not have been nicer today.
There was a goat dairy farm there where we spent most of our time.
Hampton was happy to ride in the stroller for the trail, however once we got to the barn he wanted to get out and explore.

He was pretty brave with the goats. 

It was so pretty there! I love this barn in particular.

Here is Hampton feeding the roosters some hay. He apparently thought every animal he saw wanted to eat hay.

My yankee doodle girl.

Everett had quite the meltdown when we got there, but he soon enough recovered and ended up having a great time.

Loving his sister. She is awfully sweet.

Eleanor is so good. She always goes along with whatever we are doing and is the most happy and content baby.

The boys loved this milk house. I think they thought it was their own personally play house. They kept running in and out and Everett at one point told me they were playing hide and seek.

Everett was a good big brother and consistently helped Hampton by holding the door for him.

And Hampton spotted a cat! Or as he likes to call it, a "meow."

After at least an hour in the hot July sun, the boys cooled off at this water spigot. 

And finally we explored the garden and this scarecrow.

We had such a great day!

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