Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Today's Happenings

It is the end of the day and I am exhausted, so this post may be all over the place. We had a good day. No where to go until late this afternoon. A great day enjoying each other at home.

I didn't think Everett's costume last year would fit Hampton, but surprisingly it did. I guess he will be a gorilla for Halloween this year.
Everett is going to be a doctor. I asked Eric to put his costume on him tonight in prep for his party at preschool tomorrow. He came in and said, "I need 60ccs of cuteness stat!"
 He loves his costume and Hampton kept following him all around the house tonight.
 This afternoon I took Everett and Eleanor to the doctor. Everett has been stuttering lately and even though I am a speech pathologist I wanted to get his thoughts. After talking it out, we are just going to give it time. Eleanor was there for her 2 month appointment.
The doctor was running behind this afternoon and we got a little bored waiting. We had read every book, so we decided to entertain ourselves by making funny faces in the mirror. Everett said, "there are two Everetts!"
 Eleanor loved looking at herself in the mirror as well.
 After an hour, this is Everett "I am bored" face.
 Still waiting......
 Sister is doing great! She weighs 10 pounds 6 ounces and is in the 50th percentile for weight, 75th percentile for height, and the 50th percentile for her head circumference.
 I love her dress! She had to get 3 shots today. Overall she is doing great. Our doctor was pretty impressed she can sleep 8-9 hour stretches at night. The Lord knows we need that!

So I made some Rice Krispie treats for a fun snack this afternoon. Everett was so excited to get a "masmellow" treat.
And this guy was loving them as well.
 I don't know why I always crave these in the Fall.
 We are loving this book. Everett requests it everyday.
And today for our craft we made these pumpkins. It was the first time I allowed Everett to handle the glue and he did really well.

All day long Everett talked about how he is excited for his preschool party tomorrow, so I can't wait to hear how it went. He told me there was going to be games, and treats, and he gets to wear his costume. I have a feeling Christmas this year is going to be very fun!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Embracing Fall

My mom and Aunt Jenny came to visit last weekend. We were so busy I completely forgot to take any pictures! Anyways, we have really been enjoying this season. The temperatures are cool in the morning, warm in the afternoon, and then it returns chilly in the evenings. Thankfully we finally bought a leaf blower to clear out all the leaves in our yard and driveway. However, it is covered again within a day or two.

Sister has been doing great. She now is 9 weeks. She has her 2 month appointment tomorrow. For the past couple of weeks she has been sleeping 7-8 hour stretches at night which has been great. She is a very scheduled girl. I love dressing her in cute dresses with tights and of course big bows!
 This boy has been doing great with his walking. He walks everywhere and is now even trying to run.
While my mom and aunt were here we did a project. My aunt had gotten the idea off of Pinterest. We framed different pieces of fabric with embroidery hoops. I love how it turned out and there was an empty spot in our playroom that needed a little something. 
Last time my mom was here we did this project. This sits on our mantel and I love it!
My mom also brought an old rocking chair I remember having as a child. It needed a little updating so Eric and I painted it red and added our W. The boys love rocking in it.
And Everett did a few projects of his own, this being one of them. When the sun shines through it, it makes a Jack-O-Lantern shadow on the floor. 
This was the only recent picture I could get of Everett. He is still not a fan of the camera. He just got a haircut and it is so cute. I got it cut shorter in the front and now we can finally see more of his cute face. His Halloween/Fall party is on Thursday at preschool and he is going to be a doctor. 
We are definitely embracing this season not only with fun outdoors in the cool temperatures and crafting, but with our food selection as well. I am trying to make the most out of pumpkin. I have made pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin ravioli, and tonight I am making pumpkin soup. Can't Autumn last all year long?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blessed there anything sweeter than a new baby?
I bathed her this evening and she looked up at me and smiled. A genuine, I love you kind of smile. I dressed her in soft white pajamas and brushed her hair. She nursed. And then I rocked her breathing in that new baby aroma, all the while thinking......."I can't believe I get to be your mama."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Park Adventures

So we went to the park the other day. The babies all had taken great naps and needed to get out and burn some energy before supper.

Sister girl napped the entire time. I am definitely enjoying the "I'll happily nap anywhere stage" right now. It was a bit chilly so we had to get bundled.
This was our first trip to the playground since Hampton has begun walking. He enjoyed the experience so much more and so did I. There is not much to do when you can only crawl in mulch and dirt.

It was a gorgeous afternoon. I'll never get over the beauty of the changing leaves. The clear skies was just a bonus.

Nothing is better than letting this boy just go free. He never stops moving. He never stops running. He loves it.

And our friends joined us there as well.

Sally Ann and her girls. I like how my boys managed to get into the picture as well.

This little boy showed no fear of the slide. I had turned my head for one second and then heard "wee!" Down the slide he went and had a blast. He went again and again.

And he battled it out with this tunnel. He was too tall to walk through it and refused to crawl. Ironic how now he refuses to crawl. The battle between Hampton and the tunnel lasted a good 10 minutes.

We are in that good transitional season where it is not too hot and not too chilly to play outside. I plan on taking full advantage before winter arrives. Fall is definitely my favorite time of the year!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Hands Full

I don't think a day goes by when I am out with my children in public when someone doesn't comment, "You have your hands full." Today when a passerby made this comment to me I finally thought of a witty response-"My hands are full, but so is my heart." Cheesy? Perhaps. True? Absolutely.

It may seem to the random stranger observing me corral my young children in the grocery store, or Target, or getting them all into Ev's preschool that I am a bit crazy. Like today where I had Eleanor strapped to my chest in the Baby Bjourn so that my hands would be free to hold on to Everett and Hampton. Meanwhile I am sweating to death in the 50 degree temperature from the amount of physical energy it all takes. However it is worth it. When I was pregnant with Eleanor I thought we would never get out of the house. I thought it would be way too hard and totally not worth it. While I do try to schedule time at home for play, we certainly get out way more than I ever thought at this stage. Truth is, the boys have fun and even though it does take a lot of organization, planning, endurance, and patience, I am glad I have gained confidence in participating in activities outside our home.
So now with a diaper bag full of diapers, wipes, pacifiers, burp clothes, 3 separate changes of clothing, sippy cups, and snacks-here I go to attack the park with my 3 littles!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mornings with the Two Littles

Since Everett goes to preschool on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, it has given me the opportunity to spend time with little brother and little sister. We have gotten in the habit of hitting up Starbucks after we drop Ev off. We also have been going to a playgroup on Tuesday mornings at Sally Anns.

Sweet Eleanor. She usually naps during the playgroup. I am going to enjoy this time right now when she is little and can nap anywhere.

Hampton playing with the other babies.

See? She can nap anywhere!

Eleanor wore her very first pair of shoes on Tuesday.

And today she wore Mary Jane socks. It is so fun dressing up a little girl!

My biggest challenge on preschool days is getting all 3 babes fed, dressed, and out the door by 9. Today was one of those mornings. All 3 babies were crying at some point and I just about joined them. Another big challenge is being able to give all 3 children the kind of attention they need. Sometimes it is just not possible, like when I am nursing. However, I try to make up for it at another time of the day. It is exhausting at time.

After preschool today we went to Target. We were in need of diapers, and of course Starbucks! Eleanor was awake the whole time and just looked around, so content. Hampton loved walking around the store. Yes walking! He now walks 98% of the time and is getting really good at it. I am so proud of him.

And today was teddy bear day at school. Everett also had his class picture made today. He had a hard start of the day, but said he had fun at school. Even those days can be hard, I love them!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Fall Days

Today we had another fun family day. We spent the morning at home playing. The boys have mild colds, but are still able to be rough and tumble! After long naps, we went to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkin. I can't wait to carve it! We then went to the park/playground. The boys had so much fun and the air was cool this evening, which was great because I had made meatball soup for supper. Perfect. I just love Autumn. It is definitely my favorite time of year.

                                                 Maggie loves this time of year as well!

Hampton at the pumpkin patch
Everett had fun picking out a pumpkin. It was neat because the patch we went to, all the proceeds went to missions.

Everett and Eleanor lounging this morning.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Walking for Candy

Last week I shared how Hampton started walking. I was so excited! However, my excitement has kind of been squashed as he now refuses to walk anywhere! What is even more frustrating than a toddler who can't toddle, is one who you know can and doesn't. In fact, yesterday when trying to get him to walk to me he said "no walk!" So, today I found a different kind of motivator. Not mommy. No. Candy. I know it sounds bad. But I am getting desperate.

I placed M&Ms strategically around the house and had him walk to get them.
So it worked.

He was so happy and we made it into a game.

Whatever it takes to get my chubby baby to walk!